COBREQ launches custom-made 0.25mm skates for Honda and Yamaha and hubs for Honda

With its fifty-year-old COBREQ brand, TMD Friction do Brasil launched in the aftermarket for motorcycles twenty-six new products. There are 19 brake pads for Honda and Yamaha models and seven wheel hubs for Honda. A traditional supplier to the automotive industry, TMD Friction has been growing significantly in the motorcycle segment with pads, skates, hubs, mirrors and flanges for the market and replacement market.

In this, even its participation in the range up to 400 cc (Cobreq Street) has already exceeded 95% .MODELOSE are the models of Honda and Yamaha that come to count on new products Cobreq, all from the beginning of production: – Custom-made skates 0,25mm Yamaha – YBR 125 E and K, YBR 125 ED, XT Z 125 E, XT Z and K, XT 225, XV S Virago 250, XV 250 and Leisure 150. – Custom-made skates 0,25mm Honda – Biz 100 and 125, CB 300 S / ABS, CBX 250 Twister, CG Titan 125 ES and KS, CG Titan 150 ES and KS, C100 Drean, CBX 150 Aero, CG 125 Today and Titan, Biz 100, Biz 125, NXR 125 Bros KS and ES, NXR 150 Bros ESD and Pop 100.- Wheel hubs Honda – CG FAN 125 (with crown caps already included), CG Titan 125 and 150, NXR Bros 125 and 150, CRF 230 and Pop 100.